December is a marathon month for us. But it is a marathon of party after party. One of the traditions with the Heider family is Christmas caroling after Sunday dinner before Christmas. There is a lot of complaining from the kids, but I love it, and I know it is my mother-in-law's favorite thing. I hope you continue the tradition, Jan! Here we are all piled in the car driving to homes to carol. Abby wanted to wear her goggles. It's cold out there!
At the McCurdy house, we all put together a Christmas dinner to help out a family that we knew. It was exciting to watch all the kids so willing to help out.
We exchange gifts between the cousins. Parker picked out Miller's gift all by himself.
We exchange gifts between the cousins. Parker picked out Miller's gift all by himself.
He knows Miller so well. Nothing like a weapon to liven things up! Thanks, Parker. Miller has slept with that bow several nights since he opened it.