Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Pics of the boys

A friend of mine called and asked if she could take pictures of Porter and Miller. She did a great job. Check our her blog on my blog list, Set in Time Photography.

This one was for Bret. So cute! Can you tell Miller likes to have his picture taken?

I love this one. So sweet. Miller is constantly kissing Porter so we could hardly get him to look at the camera.

I had so much fun with this. Thanks, Bethany...I love them!

Friday, January 1, 2010


We finally have our miracle! Porter Austin Heider was born December 29, 2009 and a few short hours later, we received a call that he was ours! What a difference a phone call can make. It was a long 24 for Miller who had to wait to meet him until we brought him home from the hospital.
Once we brought him home, Miller wanted to hold him and hasn't wanted to put him down since. At the first of the year, we told Miller that if we prayed every day, that Heavenly Father would bring us a baby. Nothing like that very last day of the year! He was starting to get a little impatient. He kept asking if he was saying enough prayers because all of his cousins were getting little brothers and sisters and he wasn't. It was an answer to his prayers and the prayers of many, many others!
We are still in shock that this little guy is ours!

We couldn't wait to get home to see how Miller would react to the new little addition.

I was able to spend the night in the hospital with Porter, just him and I. I didn't sleep for a moment. I was too excited for Miller to have a little brother and I couldn't stop thinking about all the things that I needed to do to be ready for this little guy at home. It's a good thing it was a boy! That I was semi-prepared for.

Miller meeting Porter for the first time. He was so excited but not quite sure how to react. He just looks at him and says, "Mom, him's so cute. Him's so handsome. And he is my bud." I love watching him bond with the baby.

Miller can say Porter, but for some reason he is calling him Quarter. But he says it like an Italian Mafia member..."Quarta!" It is so funny. We are having a lot of teaching moments. And Miller is so helpful. He wants to help with everything. I hope that lasts!
Thanks to everyone whose thoughts and prayers made this miracle happen. I know so many of you were actively helping us find our miracle. It means a lot to have such a great support system. I know you are all as excited as we are. And probably just as shocked. We love you all and can't wait to share this little miracle with all of you.


Christmas Eve. Back from dinner at Grandma's house and getting ready for Santa to come.

Spreading reindeer food. How else will they know the way to our house?
And who doesn't love matching pj's. If only Bret let me do it more than once a year!

Treats for Santa. Miller didn't want to put out milk. "Santa wants hot cocoa. It's cold outside!"

The best part of Christmas is watching your kids enjoy the magic. There is nothing better.

Miller loves opening the presents. He didn't really care what was inside, he just wanted to keep ripping open more wrapping paper.

Enjoying the spoils of the day. And I mean spoils. It's hard not to go overboard with only one kid to buy for.

Trying out the new scooter at Grandma's. And extremely thrilled about it.

This is the Christmas chaos at Grandma's house. It is like a race once she gives you permission to charge the room. 11 adults and 18 grandkids all fighting for space to check out the gifts. It is so much fun. I love to sit back and watch.

Grandma big gift this year for the grandkids was a body pillow. Last year they all got a great cuddly blanket with their names on it. The parents were all so jealous, she gave each one of us one with our name on it. Awesome. There is no more fighting over Miller's blanket anymore.